今、日本で最も予約が取れないと言われているゴットハンド集団 ザラハメソッドを詰め込んだ待望のエステサロンがここに。悩みの根本に向き合い、ザラハメソッドの極意である“オーダーメイド施術”でカラダ本来が持っている美を呼び戻します。
This is the esthetic salon of the highly acclaimed ZARAHA “God Hand” Method. ZARAHA Method helps enhance your body and skin forever by helping reacquaint you with skin that you haven’t seen in ages. Its undeniable effects have delivered stunning results to several actresses and models throughout Japan. Our estheticians curate one-of-a-kind, custom treatments for targeting the core of your troubles and bringing out your natural beauty from within.
Our motto is that “true beauty lies within a healthy body.”
Rather than simply losing weight, our unique Zahara menu of treatments are designed to support you towards achieving your ideal body. We welcome you to obtain the beauty offered by the “God Hand.”